Add custom contact files

Add the custom fields to the Organisation/person table.

To add custom fields:

  1. Once you have opened the environment settings, select the custom file.
  2. Click on the action:Management tool.

    If not, you can access the custom file via General / Management / Management tool, function group Organisation/person, file Organisation/person.

  3. Select the custom contact file from the list of files.

    Profit shows the fields in this file. By default you see the Contact and Sequence number fields and the logging fields. The Contact field links the data to a specific person, for example, an employee X or sales contact Y.

    Add the required custom fields; you do this in the same way as for regular custom fields.

Directly to

  1. Custom contact files
  2. Activate a custom contact file
  3. Add a custom contact file
  4. Place custom fields on a tab
  5. Authorise a custom contact file
  6. Add data to a custom contact file
  7. View a custom contact file
  8. Change the master file for a custom contact file
  9. Import a custom contact file
  10. Configure the display of the custom contact file in InSite