Import custom contact file

You can import a custom contact file. You have the option to import new records and edit existing records via the import.

During the import, the system checks the 'Contactdata id' and the sequence number. During the import you can indicate which field should be used for comparing. You can click the search button to open a view in which all the types are shown for which the contact file in question is visible. You set the locations where a custom contact file is visible when you activated the custom contact file.

You can now use the sequence number to determine if the record is new or if it is an edited version of an existing record.

Import custom contact file:

  1. Go to:CRM / Management / Import / Custom contact file 01. The title displayed always shows the number of the custom contact file instead of the name you gave the file.

Directly to

  1. Custom contact files
  2. Activate a custom contact file
  3. Add a custom contact file
  4. Place custom fields on a tab
  5. Authorise a custom contact file
  6. Add data to a custom contact file
  7. View a custom contact file
  8. Change the master file for a custom contact file
  9. Import a custom contact file
  10. Configure the display of the custom contact file in InSite