View a custom contact file

Every custom contact file has a separate view in which Profit shows all the entry lines, regardless of the organisation, sales contact, purchase contact, etc. with which you recorded them.

Via this view you can only view data and you have the extra options that you always have in views, such as exporting to Microsoft Excel or the Totalizer. You can only add, change or delete data via the properties of the organisation, sales contact, purchase contact, etc.

To view a custom contact file:

  1. Go to: Start menu (F4) / CRM / Organisation/person / Custom contact file.
  2. Click on the menu option.

    Profit shows a view with all the entry lines of the custom file. The default view only contains the name of the organisation (or derived type) and a sequence number. If you were to add a view, it could look as follows:

See also:

Directly to

  1. Custom contact files
  2. Activate a custom contact file
  3. Add a custom contact file
  4. Place custom fields on a tab
  5. Authorise a custom contact file
  6. Add data to a custom contact file
  7. View a custom contact file
  8. Change the master file for a custom contact file
  9. Import a custom contact file
  10. Configure the display of the custom contact file in InSite