Authorise custom contact file

If you added tabs to the Management tool you must authorise them. Additionally, Profit has a separate function for viewing custom contact files; you can authorise this function separately.

To authorise a custom contact file:

Follow the default procedure to authorise custom tabs.

  1. After you add a custom tab, Profit shows the Authorisation tool.
  2. Select the group.
  3. Select the custom tab.
  4. Select the correct access.

  5. Go to the tab: Menu.
  6. Go to: General / CRM / Organisation/person / Custom contact file.
  7. Select the menu item.

  8. Close the Authorisation tool.

Directly to

  1. Custom contact files
  2. Activate a custom contact file
  3. Add a custom contact file
  4. Place custom fields on a tab
  5. Authorise a custom contact file
  6. Add data to a custom contact file
  7. View a custom contact file
  8. Change the master file for a custom contact file
  9. Import a custom contact file
  10. Configure the display of the custom contact file in InSite