Add a leave entry in case of a timetable with fixed working hours per day (specified timetable)

You record a leave entry at the employee level.

The below procedure applies to an employee with a timetable with fixed working hours per day (specified timetable). For a specified timetable, Profit determines the leave duration automatically by comparing the leave entry to the scheduled days.

Leave entry for employees with a specified timetable:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to the tab: Leave.
  4. Click on: New.
  5. Enter the details of the leave entry:
    1. Enter the start and end date.

      The start and end time of the dates concerned are displayed by default if they appear in the timetable calendar.

    2. Select the Specify deviating times check box if you want to change the start and end time.

      If you have activated the Education functionality, you cannot change the start and end time. In that case, enter the number of leave hours in Number of hours. Profit checks whether the number of hours in the leave entry exceeds the number of hours recorded in the timetable for the employee.

      If the leave is for whole days, do not select this check box. This ensures that Profit copies the start and end times from the timetable to the leave entry. In the case of a timetable change during the leave, Profit automatically copies the new working hours to the leave entry. This means Profit always determines the correct number of leave hours, even if the timetable changes after you have recorded a leave.

  6. Select the leave type.

    Profit only displays the leave type that is valid during the period of the leave request and that is allowed based on the employee's employment.

  7. After you have completed the above data, Profit updates the balances at the bottom of the window:
    • Balance on start date

      This box shows the situation as it would be if the employee were to end employment one day before the start date of the leave entry. You can see (in the Balance field) whether a negative leave balance is likely to arise because the employee has accrued insufficient hours. This is important if in the organisation employees are only allowed to take leave that has actually been accrued, or if the employee leaves employment in the short term.

    • Leave period balance

      The balance of the total leave period that applies on the start date of the leave entry. The possibility that the employee may leave employment is not taken into account in this case. If an employment end date has been recorded for the employee, then this is taken into account in the calculation of the leave entitlement.

      If you take this information as a starting point and the employee actually leaves employment in the short term, then a negative leave balance may arise.

  8. Check the number of hours; this is determined automatically.

    If the leave duration is not correct, you can change the start or end time of the leave entry. If the leave on the start or end date does not relate to a whole day, it might be necessary to reduce the Break time to arrive at the correct leave duration. After the change, Profit checks whether the leave duration does not exceed the normal working hours.

    If you cannot modify the Break time, change the start or end time of the leave entry.

    If you have activated the Education functionality, you cannot change the start and end time. In that case, enter the number of leave hours in Number of hours. Profit checks whether the number of hours in the leave entry exceeds the number of hours recorded in the timetable for the employee.

  9. If you want to view the timetable lines that fall within the leave entry, click on the  Timetable button.
  10. Click on: Next
  11. If necessary, select a substitute (for workflows, alerts, etc.).
  12. Select the Print leave card check box, if you want to print a leave card immediately.
  13. Click on: Finish

    Profit will check to see if a negative leave balance arises unless the type of leave has been configured in such a way that this is not required.

    If a message is displayed while the excess is below the maximum, you can complete the leave entry or go back and modify the information. If a message is displayed while the excess is above the maximum, you must go back and modify the information. You cannot complete the leave entry unless the excess is below the maximum.

See also

Directly to

  1. New leave entries
  2. Add a leave entry for a timetable with fixed working times per day (specified timetable)
  3. Add a leave entry if the working times are not known (non-specified timetable)
  4. Multiple leave entries on the same day
  5. Add a leave entry with a substitute
  6. Add a leave range
  7. Collective leave entry
  8. Take WTR
  9. Leave uptake for WTR based on a work timetable
  10. View, change or delete a leave entry
  11. Shorten a leave range
  12. Import leave entries
  13. Break time in a leave entry