Multiple leave entries on the same day

You can enter multiple leave entries on the same day, as long as the time frames do not overlap.

To record multiple leave entries:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to the tab: Leave.
  4. Click on: New.
  5. Select the Specify deviating times check box.
  6. Enter the start and end date and the start and end time.

    If you have activated the Education functionality, you cannot change the start and end time. In that case, enter the number of leave hours in Number of hours. Profit checks whether the number of hours in the leave entry exceeds the number of hours recorded in the timetable for the employee.

  7. Select the leave type.
  8. Click on: Finish

    You can now enter a second and following leave type for the same date, and so on, until you have reached the maximum number of hours.

Directly to

  1. New leave entries
  2. Add a leave entry for a timetable with fixed working times per day (specified timetable)
  3. Add a leave entry if the working times are not known (non-specified timetable)
  4. Multiple leave entries on the same day
  5. Add a leave entry with a substitute
  6. Add a leave range
  7. Collective leave entry
  8. Take WTR
  9. Leave uptake for WTR based on a work timetable
  10. View, change or delete a leave entry
  11. Shorten a leave range
  12. Import leave entries
  13. Break time in a leave entry