Pension premium in case of part-time 'WW' benefit
Sometimes an employee receives part-time 'WW', while pension premiums have to continue for 100%. This only applies to employees who are subject to an 'MTB' CLA (MTB: 'Metaal en Techniek Bedrijven').
Therefore you use the following payroll configuration.
To adjust the payroll configuration for the employee:
- Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
- Open the properties of the employee.
- Go to the tab: Wage component.
- Click on: New.
- Select the 112.004.508 'Parttime percentage tbv pensioenberekeningen' wage component.
- Click on: Finish.
- Open the properties of the 'Afwijkend percentage' parameter.
- Enter the original part-time percentage.
- Enter the start date.
This makes Profit use the changed percentage when it determines the pension premiums.
- Click on: Finish.
In the same way, change the 'Afwijkend percentage parameter of the 112.004.510 'Parttime percentage werkgever t.b.v. pensioenberekeningen' wage component.