Holiday allowance
The holiday allowance is the 8% wage allowance to which all employees are entitled. Most people use the term holiday pay, when in fact they mean holiday allowance. Holiday pay is actually the continued payment received while on holiday.
The holiday allowance is usually paid in May. You pay out the holiday allowance using the 'Vakantietoeslag' wage component. Depending on the wage component settings, a specific calculation is carried out.
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Voor het narekenen van de vakantietoeslag, wilt u eenvoudig per medewerker de relevante berekende gegevens over de gehele opbouwperiode inzichtelijk hebben.Hiervoor maakt u gebruik van de analyse Holiday allowance analysis (Profit). Met deze analyse kunt u ook de inrichting op cao-niveau controleren.
Calculation method
The holiday allowance is calculated according to a method. This method is stipulated in a parameter in the wage component for the holiday allowance.
Click on the examples below to open an explanatory video that shows you the calculation method:
- View the holiday allowance calculation method
The method and the method minimum determine the calculation basis that Profit uses to calculate the holiday allowance. You check this first before you verify the holiday allowance.
- View the holiday allowance calculation basis
In order to verify the holiday allowance, view the calculated calculation basis in the wage check cockpit.
- View the holiday allowance accrual from period and accrual to period
Using the 'Opbouw vanaf periode' and 'Opbouw tot en met periode' parameters of the 'Vakantietoeslag' wage component, you specify the time frame over which you accrue the holiday allowance.
- View the holiday allowance payment period
You use the 'Periode uitbetalen' parameter to determine the period in which Profit pays the holiday allowance.
- View the holiday allowance recalculation
A common question is: ‘Why does Profit recalculate the paid holiday allowance?'. Profit recalculates the paid holiday allowance if this has been configured in the wage component for the holiday allowance.
- No holiday allowance when leaving employment
If Profit does not calculate any holiday allowance (or end of year bonus) at the end of employment, check the configuration.
- Holiday allowance calculation basis from the previous year
You can enter the accrued value from the old employer as wage entries. This way the value accrued with the old employer will be taken into account when the holiday allowance is paid out.
- Reservation for holiday allowance on the pay slip
By default, the holiday allowance is reserved in Profit. You can display the holiday allowance accrued on the pay slip by creating wage summaries for this purpose and putting them on the pay slip report.
- Suppress the pay out of holiday allowance when employment ends
If an employee leaves employment, this could have the undesired effect that the holiday allowance is paid out. You can suppress the payment of the holiday allowance for an employee.
- Holiday allowance when changing employers
If an employee switches to another employer in Profit, you can suppress the payment of the holiday allowance for the previous employer. You can transfer the calculation basis from the old employer to the new employer.
- Holiday allowance on a separate pay slip
You can put the holiday allowance on a separate pay slip and pay out the amount separately.
- Holiday allowance for one employee in a separate period
You can pay out the holiday allowance for one or more employees in a separate period. You can adjust the payment period at the employee level.
- Pay out the holiday allowance periodically
You can also pay out the holiday allowance to employees periodically (for instance monthly or four-weekly), for instance in the case of casual staff who are paid both their salary and holiday allowance every period.
- Change from normal to periodic holiday allowance
When you change from once a year to periodic holiday allowance payments, you can pay out the remaining balance.
- Change from periodic to normal holiday allowance
When switching from a periodic to a normal holiday allowance, it sometimes happens that the holiday allowance is paid out incorrectly.
- Holiday allowance in Education
The calculation of the holiday allowance takes into account the termination of sub- and main employments.
- Frequently asked questions about the holiday allowance