Change from periodic to normal holiday allowance
When switching from a periodic to a normal holiday allowance, it sometimes happens that the holiday allowance is paid out incorrectly.
The 100.002.901 'Reservering vakantietoeslag' wage component checks how much has been reserved already (over the accrual period) and how much, if any, still should be reserved. In this case it means that there will still be a reservation over the previous months, because this has not been done because of the periodic pay-outs.
The periodic holiday allowance has already been paid out, so no further reservations are necessary for those periods.
You solve this by adjusting the configuration at the CLA and the employee level.
To check the CLA configuration:
- Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
- Open the CLA properties.
- Go to the tab: Wage component.
- Open the properties of the 'Vakantietoeslag' wage component.
- Go to the tab: Parameter.
- Open the properties of the 'Opbouw vanaf periode' parameter.
- Select the Allow entries for employee check box.
- Click on: OK.
To adjust the Accrual from period parameter at the employee level:
- Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
- Open the properties of the employee.
- Go to the tab: Wage component.
- Click on: New.
- Select the 'Vakantietoeslag' wage component.
- Click on: Finish.
- Open the properties of the 'Opbouw vanaf periode' parameter.
- Click on: New.
- Enter the first day of the month of the new contract as the start date.
- For the end date, enter the last day of the wage year.
- In Value enter the period in which the employee has received a new contract.
If the employee receives a new contract in May, you enter the value '5'.
- Click on: Finish.
The reservation will be cancelled retroactively during the next salary processing.
See also