View the holiday allowance accrual from period and accrual to period
Using the 'Opbouw vanaf periode' and 'Opbouw tot en met periode' parameters of the 'Vakantietoeslag' wage component, you specify the time frame over which you accrue the holiday allowance. You have the following options:
- 'Opbouw vanaf periode'='Opbouw tot en met periode'
In this situation the holiday allowance is only calculated on the basis of the accrual over this period. This means that only one period is accrued.
- 'Opbouw vanaf periode' is before'Opbouw tot en met periode'
Here it is assumed that both 'Opbouw vanaf periode' and 'Opbouw tot en met periode' are within the current year.
Accrual from period = 1
Accrual through period = 12
Payment period = 5
With these values, Profit pays out the holiday allowance in period 5 for an entire year.
- 'Opbouw vanaf periode' is after 'Opbouw tot en met periode'
Here it is assumed that 'Opbouw vanaf periode' is in the previous year and 'Opbouw tot en met periode' is in the current one.
Accrual from period = 6
Accrual through period = 5
Payment period = 5
With these values, Profit pays out the holiday allowance in period 5 for the accrual from period 6 of the previous year up to and including the accrual for the current period.
To view and change the Accrual from period and Accrual through period parameters:
- Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
- Open the CLA properties.
- Go to the tab: Wage component.
- Open the properties of the wage component.
- Go to the tab: Parameter.
You see the 'Opbouw vanaf periode' and 'Opbouw tot en met periode' parameters with their current values. Open the properties if you want to adjust the value(s) of the parameter(s).
- Open the parameter's properties.
- Go to the tab: Values.
- Click on: New.
- Enter the start date, end date and value. Entering an end date is not mandatory.
- Click on: Finish.