Copy a packing slip to an invoice

You can copy a packing slip to an invoice.

The packing slip that you want to copy must be both active and reported ready.

To copy a packing slip to an invoice manually:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Sales process / Invoice.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Select the entry layout to be used.

    The window for entering/editing appears.

  4. Enter the Invoice number if you are not using auto numbering.
  5. For Corresponding packing slip select the packing slip you want to copy.

Directly to

  1. Sales invoice
  2. Configuration of invoicing
  3. Set the e-mail server and sender
  4. Configure a message template
  5. Copy a packing slip to an invoice
  6. Manually add a sales invoice
  7. Enter a sales invoice manually on a deviating administration
  8. Automatically generate sales invoices
  9. Generate a correction invoice
  10. Change sales invoices
  11. Credit sales invoices
  12. Issue invoices
  13. Delete sales invoices