Configure SSCC labels
You can use SSCC labels for packing slips. You configure this up by settung up the barcode type 'SSCC' in the field settings (mandatory, changeable, etc.) as well as setting the correct packaging as load bearer for the SSCC label in the article properties.
To set activations:
If you want to work with SSCC labels, you have to activate the following functionalities:
- Packaging/returnable packaging/disposal fee
- Give digital notice of shipments
More information:
To set up barcodes for SSCC labels:
Before you can generate SSCC labels, you must first set up the barcode.
- Go to: Order Management / Management / Configuration / Barcode settings.
- Click on: New.
- In Field, select SSCC labels.
- In Barcode type, select Barcode SSCC.
Profit supports the use of different types of barcodes. The barcode type determines the auto numbering and the way of printing. If you select Code128 barcodes, no check will be performed on the barcode entered, however, the print layout will be determined correctly. If you select No check, no check will be performed on the barcode print layout.
This type is not copied for existing master data; you must change this yourself via the properties.
- In Last used barcode, enter the barcode you used last. Profit will then increment the numbers automatically. When determining the next barcode, Profit also takes into account the checks to be performed.
- Select the Changeable check box if you want to be able to change the barcode during input.
If you set the barcode after entering master data, Profit does not complete these fields automatically. In that case you must enter a barcode for each sales contact or each article etc yourself. In that case, if you did not select the Changeable check box , you can no longer enter a barcode. Select this check box first, enter the barcodes and then deselect the check box again.
- Select the Unique check box if the barcode must be unique within the selected file. Profit does not check that the barcode does not occur in another file.
- Select the Mandatory check box if the barcode is mandatory for the file selected. If you now open the properties of existing data or if you add new data, you must enter the barcode.
- Select the Automatically add check digit check box if you want Profit to add a check digit automatically.
- Click on: Finish.
Mark the packaging in the article as a 'load bearer' for SSCC labels
You affix an SSCC label to a 'load bearer', which is a packaging that is linked to an article for which the Load bearer check box is selected. In the article properties you can select this check box once and only once per unit.
You can also enter a barcode in the unit.
To mark the packaging in an article as load bearer for SSCC labels:
- Go to: Order Management / Item / Article
- Open the properties of the article.
- Go to the tab: Units per item.
- Open the properties of the unit, for example 'pallet'.
- Go to the tab: General.
- Select a value for Barcode type.
- Enter a value in Barcode.
- Go to the tab: Packaging.
On this tab, you record the link between an article and a packaging article.
- Select the Generate SSCC label check box because you want to generate SSCC labels for the article.
When generating the SSCC labels, labels are only generated for packing slip lines with articles and units for which this check box has been selected.
- In Article, select the packaging in which you sell the article.
- Select the Load bearer check box if you ship the article in the selected packaging.
You can then affix the barcode (SSCC label) to this packaging. You can select this check box once and only once per unit assignment.
- Select the Secondary packaging check box if a parent packaging has been specified for this article.
Profit can then generate an SSCC label for each parent packaging stating the number of packages of the current unit.
- Enter a value in Factor.
The factor decides the number of packages delivered in the packaging. You can only enter a positive number here. The total quantity to be delivered on the packing slip line is divided by this factor to determine the number of packaging units per SSCC label. Any remainder is recorded in the SSCC label generated as last.
For example, for a certain article 'pallet' is specified as load bearer with a factor of 40. The packing slip line states that 100 are to be delivered. This means that three SSCC labels are generated, the first two each with 40 packaging units and the third with 20 packaging units.
- Select the Distribution check box.
- Click on: OK.
See also: