Custom table for status in workflow

You can link a custom status table to the workflow. The table contains the values the workflow status can have.

By default, we supply the  table. If necessary, you can extend this table.

Using the status values, you can filter by, for example, hoeveel dossieritems hebben status X. You can use statuses for management reports and controlling the organisation.

To add a custom table with statuses:

  1. Create a custom table with the statuses for the workflow.

To link a custom table:

  1. Go to: CRM / Dossier / Configuration / Dossier item type.
  2. Open the properties of the dossier item type..
  3. Open the properties of the dossier item type. Vraag applicatiebeheer.
  4. Go to the tab: Workflows.
  5. Open the properties of the workflow..
  6. Select the first task.
  7. Select the status table.
  8. Select a status in Initial status.

    This is the status the workflow begins with.

  9. Select an Initial external status status.

    You can only select a value in this field if you did not select a dossier item type of selected a dossier item type that is visible externally.

  10. Select the action.
  11. Select the status.
  12. Click on: Save.
  13. Click on: Status.

    This is the button Ins_Knoppen in de workfloweditor (180) in the toolbar.

    You now see the status per action. You immediately see which actions still need to be assigned a status.

  14. Click on: Publish.

    The values of the status table are also visible in the My tasks overview. Here, you see at a glance where the workflow is in the process.

To change the status table:

You can change the status table in a workflow. If you select another status table, the Status and the External status of all actions is set to the default value, Do not change.

Directly to

  1. Build a new workflow
  2. New workflow without basis
  3. New workflow based on an existing one
  4. Add a task
  5. Change a task
  6. Copy rights from another task
  7. Delete a task
  8. Add an action
  9. Extra actions for a task
  10. Adjust an action
  11. Configure the Action confirmation screen
  12. Add a follow-up task to an action
  13. Delete an action
  14. Add a condition to a workflow
  15. Add custom fields to an action
  16. Assign a value to fields in the workflow
  17. Submit a new dossier item from dossier item
  18. Link a message to a task or an action
  19. Overview of tasks and actions
  20. Custom table for status in workflow