Add a ledger account

Your ledger is subdivided into categories and subcategories that together make up the balance sheet and the profit and loss account. Review this structure and add ledger accounts in the proper place. The account level is set separately.

For each ledger account you specify the number, whether it is part of the balance sheet or the profit and loss account and whether the balance is displayed as a debit or credit balance.

  • Balance sheet

    Accounts of the Assets and Liabilities type are shown on the balance sheet. For example, this includes the following accounts: cash in hand, cash in bank, accounts receivable summary account, accounts payable summary account, VAT, stock, buildings and furniture and equipment. You can display the balance of a balance sheet account under a different account number.

  • Profit and loss account

    Accounts of the Costs and Revenues type are shown on the profit and loss account. For example, this includes the following accounts: energy costs, publicity costs, transportation costs, revenues from goods, revenues from services, etc.


    U heeft een computerwinkel en gaat ook games verkopen (of u voert de administratie van deze computerwinkel). De opbrengst van games wilt u op een aparte grootboekrekening Opbrengst Games boeken.

    Als uw grootboek is ingedeeld volgens de in Nederland gebruikelijke indeling, vindt u de opbrengstrekeningen in rubriek 8. Rubriek 8 is een verzamelnaam voor alle rekeningnummers die beginnen met het cijfer 8. U heeft in deze rubriek al de grootboekrekeningen 8010 en 8020. U voegt de rekening Opbrengst Games toe met nummer 8100.

    De nieuwe rekening is een winst- en verliesrekening waarvan het saldo credit wordt getoond. U maakt een niveaucode aan op 8099 en op 8199. Op de winst- en verliesrekening staan de opbrengstrekeningen keurig onder elkaar. Met behulp van rekeningniveau 8099 en 8199 ziet u de telling van de genoemde rekeningen.


Add a ledger account

You can add ledger accounts to the chart of accounts yourself.

To add a ledger account:

  1. Go to: Financial / Ledger / Ledger account.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Enter the account number.

    In the Financial settings, you can determine the limits your account numbers should be within.

    Do not use consecutive numbers, but leave room so that you can insert ledger accounts at a later stage. For example, you are using the numbers 8000, 8010, 8020, 8030, etc for your revenue accounts. This means you can insert the number 8025 at a later stage if necessary.

  4. Enter a Search name.

    The Search help field in the financial entry programs looks at the value of the search name.

  5. Select the Block manual entries check box for the ledger accounts that you only use for entries that are generated automatically by other Profit components.

    You can still import entries into ledger accounts for which this check box has been selected. Even if they are direct financial entries.

  6. The Type of account determines how the account is displayed on the balance sheet or the profit and loss account.
  7. Select Other for Kind of account (the other types are related to VAT/ICP accounts).
  8. Do not select the Reconcilable check box. A reconcilable account offers the possibility of eliminating entries against each other. This could involve entries on another ledger account.
  9. The financial reporting fields provide you with a simple and easy tool for creating a balance sheet, profit and loss account and a financial indicator overview. They also allow you to record data for the reference ledger account.
  10. Click on: Next.
  11. Select the Allow VAT check box if a VAT entry is allowed when posting to this account. If you select this check box, you must enter the VAT code when you post an entry to this account.

    If the VAT for an entry on an account for which this check box has been selected should not be calculated, you enter a VAT code for 0% VAT. The VAT/ICP declaration will show the calculation basis for the VAT calculation, but a VAT amount is not calculated.

    • For the revenue and cost accounts and asset accounts, you generally select this check box, with the exception of the cost accounts for internal consumption and exempted costs (postage, wages/salaries, donations, etc).
    • Accounts for which this check box should never be selected include the cash and bank ledger accounts, the summary accounts for debtors and creditors, suspense accounts, depreciations, etc.
  12. If VAT is allowed, you can select a preferred VAT code which is automatically proposed during the posting process.
  13. Click on: Next.
  14. Do not select the Summary account check box. It is also not possible to enter a summary account type now.

    It is not possible to directly post to a summary account. An entry can only be posted to these accounts via a sub-account number (accounts receivable and accounts payable).

  15. Click on Next several times and then click on Finish to complete the wizard.
Add a summary account

The balances of the underlying ledger accounts are summed to a summary account:

  • Set up a summary account

    When you add a summary account, select Ledger in the Type of summary account field.

  • Link ledger accounts

    Open the properties of a ledger account in the sub-administration. Link the summary account in the Collect on field.

Also see

Directly to

  1. Configure a ledger
  2. Add a ledger account
  3. Change a ledger account number
  4. Delete ledger accounts
  5. Block manual entries to ledger accounts
  6. Block/unblock a ledger account
  7. Change the length of ledger account numbers
  8. Ledger account description per administration (Accountancy)
  9. Structure the ledger using account levels
  10. File financial statements with the Chamber of Commerce (CoC)
  11. Configure the reporting cockpit
  12. Add journals
  13. Import a chart of ledger accounts
  14. Configure the reference chart of ledger accounts ('RGS')