'ABP' Annual income wage component

There are various messages related to the 'ABP' annual income. They are listed below, with the corresponding action to undertake to solve the problem.


Situations 1 and 2

The messages are:

  1. Cannot determine 'ABP' annual income. The value X of the 'Volgnummer aanpassing' parameter of wage component A is too high. Set this value to 0 to have the annual income calculated for the first time.
  2. Cannot determine 'ABP' annual income. The value X of the 'Volgnummer aanpassing' parameter of wage component A is too high. Set this value to Y in order to not have a new annual income calculated or to Z to have a new annual income calculated.

Amongst other things, these messages can refer to the following situations:

  • This is about a new employee, but the sequence number at the CLA level is 1.
  • You want to process the wages for January, but there is no end date for last year's 'Volgnummer aanpassing' which is 1 or higher, and it is therefore still valid.
  • You already reported the start of an employee's employment in January, but the first wage processing only took place in March, because the employee is temporary and the sequence number is set to 1 or higher.

These situations are invalid because you say you want is to calculate a corrected annual income, while the annual income has not even been calculated for the first time yet. Profit takes the actual number of times that an annual income has been calculated, and displays this in the message. Follow the advice in the message.

See also: Adjust the sequence number

Situations 3 and 4

The messages are:

  • Cannot determine 'ABP' annual income. The value X of the 'Volgnummer aanpassing' parameter of wage component A is too low. Set this value to Y and try again.
  • Cannot determine 'ABP' annual income. The value X of the 'Volgnummer aanpassing' parameter of wage component A is incorrect. Set this value to Y and try again.

Profit compares the actual number of times that an annual income has been calculated and the value in the Entry sequence number field. These messages appear if the numbers do not match. Follow the advice in the message.

This situation can occur if at an earlier stage you indicated that you wanted to calculate a corrected annual income (sequence number set to '1'), but you have changed your mind. In that case you have to make sure that the annual income is calculated in the same way as the non-corrected annual income. You then set the 'Volgnummer' parameter to 2. A new annual income is then calculated that is equal to the non-corrected annual income.

See also: Adjust the sequence number

Situation 5

The message can be:

  • Cannot determine 'ABP' annual income. A corrected annual income is required, but the annual income does not change. Set the 'Volgnummer' of the adjustment for wage component A to X and try again.

The annual income (= the non-corrected annual income) has been calculated once. Now the sequence number field for the adjustment has been increased. This indicates you want to have a new annual income calculated. However, the newly calculated annual income is equal to the non-corrected annual income. So, in this case the sequence number has been increased mistakenly. Therefore, the value of the 'Volgnummer' parameter for the adjustment has to be reset. Follow the advice in the message.

See also

Change the Sequence number field for an adjustment

The sequence number of a correction to the 'ABP' annual income can be applied at two levels: in a CLA at the employer and at the employee level.

To adjust the sequence number for an adjustment at the CLA level, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
  2. Select the CLA.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage component.
  4. Select the 'ABP Jaarinkomen' wage component.
  5. Go to the tab: Parameter.
  6. Open the properties of the 'Volgnr aanpassing' parameter.
  7. Go to the tab: Values.
  8. Click on: New

    You also enter an end date that should at least be before 31 December of the current year.

To adjust the sequence number for an adjustment at the employee level, proceed as follows:

  1. HR / Employee / Employee
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage component.
  4. Click on: New
  5. Select the 'ABP Jaarinkomen' wage component.
  6. Click on: Finish
  7. Open the properties of the 'Volgnr aanpassing' parameter.
  8. Click on: New

    You also enter an end date that should at least be before 31 December of the current year.

You can now process wages for the the first period of the new year (or run a pro forma process). Manually initiate an RAE entry to process the change with retroactive force.


If you enter a sequence number, always enter 31 December of the current year as end date as well. This way you avoid a change remaining valid indefinitely.


Each wage component has a comment in which the operation of the wage component is explained. Always take a look at this explanation on the Comment tab in the properties of the wage component in the CLA. If you do not have the wage component available, first activate it.

Background communication with the 'ABP'

The annual income of an employee is determined and reported to the 'ABP' only once a year. This takes place after the wage processing for January or after the first wage processing in case of a new employee. As this is the first report to the 'ABP', set the 'Volgnummer aanpassing' parameter to zero for the employees whose annual income is reported.

A higher number, such as 2, indicates this is a second correction for this employer/employee. In theory, this field can only contain the value zero at the start of the year.

Profit never changes the 'Volgnummer aanpassing' parameter automatically. This parameter can only be changed manually by the Profit user who has the authorisation to do this.

The value of this field is passed on from a high level (CLA at the Employer level) to a low level (Employee), unless another value has been entered at a lower level.

Change the 'Volgnummer aanpassing' parameter in the following situations:

  1. The annual income has been changed retroactively
    • Suppose you have reported the annual incomes for the current year to the 'ABP'. In March you realise that you have forgotten to enter a wage increase that was agreed upon in January. You enter this retroactively in Profit. You communicate this error to the 'ABP' as follows: request the 'Aanvraag wijziging jaarinkomen' form from the 'ABP'. Complete the form and wait for permission from the 'ABP'. As soon as the 'ABP' has accepted the change, manually change the 'Volgnummer aanpassing' parameter to 1 in Profit.
    • For one employee you us the parameter on the Wage component tab to make the change.
    • For an employer you change this at the CLA level.
    • In this situation you are faced with the problem that for a new employee who has started his employment and for whom no annual income has ever been reported, the sequence number of the higher CLA level is automatically copied. So, in this case a '1'. This is an impossible value that leads to an error message when you process the wages for the current period or when you process the new employee pro-forma.
    • The solution is: set the value for the new employee to '0'.


    If you change the sequence number, the start date should be in the period in which the annual income is calculated. Enter 31 December of the current year as the end date of the validity of the change. This means that the value set at CLA level will apply again at the start of the new year. Under normal circumstances this value will be 'zero'.

  2. You have employed an employee for some time now, but this employee's first wage is processed in a later period than the employment start period.
    • No first annual income is found, although the sequence number is higher than '0'. So something is wrong here. Follow the advice in the message.
  3. A change is also necessary when the number is incorrect. You receive a message about this. Follow the advice.

The 'Volgnummer aanpassing' parameter does not change in case of a regular wage increase in April that causes an increase in the annual income as well. The new annual income is reported to the 'ABP' in January of the next year.

In addition, every month you report the following to the 'ABP': the premium calculations, and any changes in the part-time percentage and in the name and address data of the employees. Any changes here that affect the annual income, are therefore reported to the 'ABP' in this way. This means that the sequence number field of the adjustment to the 'ABP' Annual income wage component can remain unchanged.

Directly to

  1. National legislation (the Netherlands)
  2. ‘30%-regeling’
  3. ‘Afdrachtvermindering’
  4. ‘Arbeidskorting’
  5. 'Artiestenregeling'
  6. Company car
  7. Pay out bonus
  8. Supervising directors
  9. Apply the daily table or period table
  10. ‘Doorbetaaldloonregeling’
  11. Personal risk bearer
  12. 'Eindheffingen'
  13. End of year bonus
  14. Enter extra 'Loonheffing'
  15. 'Fietsplan'
  16. 'Fietsenregeling'
  17. Conscientious objection
  18. Recalculation
  19. Incidental income reduction on the wage declaration
  20. Enter Christmas hamper
  21. 'Kleinebanenregeling'
  22. ‘Levensloopregeling’
  23. 70% wage during illness
  24. Wage calculation based on actual days and hours
  25. ‘ABP’ annual income wage component
  26. 'Loonheffing'
  27. Multiple choice system
  28. Minimum wage check
  29. ‘Ziektewet’ modernisation
  30. No wage processing for entrepreneur
  31. Dismissal compensation / termination fee
  32. Parental leave and maternity leave
  33. 'Ouderenvrijstelling' transition regulation
  34. Death benefit
  35. Pension premium in case of part-time 'WW'
  36. Pension premium for casual staff
  37. Pre-pension / 'VUT'
  38. Premium reduction for older employees
  39. Premium reduction for ‘Arbeidsgehandicapten’
  40. Premium reduction for young employees
  41. Prorated calculations and weighted period calculation
  42. Pseudo-employee/opt-in
  43. Travel costs
  44. Concurrence of wage (via employer) and benefit
  45. ‘Spaarloon’
  46. 'Studenten- en scholierenregeling'
  47. 'SV' days
  48. Hourly wage
  49. Hourly wage in the case of monthly wage processing
  50. Holiday allowance
  51. Trade union contribution
  52. Week 53 processing
  53. Force advantage line not to be applied
  54. Deduct an advance
  55. 'Wajong' benefit
  56. Employer contribution
  57. View legal premiums, percentages or values of Payroll
  58. ‘WIA’
  59. 'WW' and 'WGA'
  60. ‘ZVW’