Holiday allowance

The holiday allowance is the 8% wage allowance to which all employees are entitled. Most people use the term holiday pay, when in fact they mean holiday allowance. Holiday pay is actually the continued payment received while on holiday.

The holiday allowance is usually paid in May. You pay out the holiday allowance using the 'Vakantietoeslag' wage component. Depending on the wage component settings, a specific calculation is carried out.




Voor het narekenen van de vakantietoeslag, wilt u eenvoudig per medewerker de relevante berekende gegevens over de gehele opbouwperiode inzichtelijk hebben.Hiervoor maakt u gebruik van de analyse Holiday allowance analysis (Profit). Met deze analyse kunt u ook de inrichting op cao-niveau controleren.

Calculation method

The holiday allowance is calculated according to a method. This method is stipulated in a parameter in the wage component for the holiday allowance.

Click on the examples below to open an explanatory video that shows you the calculation method:


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