Article dimensions

In addition to the levels at which you can track stock for an article, you can also track stock based on the article dimension which you can add yourself.



An article dimension is a feature that you can add for tracking the stock per article.

For example, you want to consult your stock of shoes per Size and/or Colour. You add values per article dimension. This enables you to see whether you have enough shoes in stock in size 38.

First of all you add the new article dimension and then, in the properties, you add the various codes. You then define per article on which dimension (no more than two) you wish to track stock. Next add prices and discounts per article dimension code, if necessary. You then add the Article dimension code 1 and Article dimension code 2 fields to all entry layouts you use in your purchase and sales process to ensure that the dimension code for the article is always completed when you make an entry. You can also use the advanced entry layouts supplied.


  • Activate article dimension function

    You must first activate the Article dimensions functionality in the environment properties.

  • Authorise 'article dimension' menu option

    After you have activated the functionality, you must authorise the Article dimension menu option.

  • Add and fill article dimension codes

    First, you add the new article dimension and next, you add the various values (codes) in the properties.

  • Set the article dimensions for an article
  • In addition to the levels at which you can track stock for an article, you can also track stock based on article dimensions that you add yourself. For example, you want to be able to display the stock of computers per colour and/or memory size.
  • Set prices and discounts per article dimension code

    You can link prices and discounts to an article per article dimension code. In principle, prices and discounts that you add at article level apply to all dimensions. You can add a deviating price or discount per article dimension code. This has priority over the article price.

  • Change entry layouts

    You keep track of the stock per article dimension by using entry layouts in the purchase and sales processes. Whether you book stock in ad hoc transactions or you register stock via goods receipt, for each line you must be able to select the dimension codes that belong to the article.

  • Set the Order proposalper article dimension

    You can have deviating settings per article dimension for generating order proposals.

  • Import the article dimensions

    Two article dimension imports are available.

Also see

  • Article dimensions

    In Profit you can keep track of and view stock data at various levels. You can also add your own levels and Article dimensions.

Directly to

  1. Configure stock
  2. Activate stock
  3. Integration type
  4. Article group
  5. Add warehouse locations
  6. Delete locations collectively
  7. Article dimensions
  8. Multiple warehouses
  9. Multiple administrations, one of which with stock
  10. Stock in multiple stock administrations
  11. 'CBS' declaration
  12. Configure stocktaking
  13. Configure the barcode scanner