Manually create a new complete or correction wage declaration or pension declaration

You can add a new declaration line if Profit has not generated a declaration line automatically, and you do want to prepare a new declaration line. For example, when entering name and address details, a correction obligation does not arise, but it is allowed to correct the declaration.

You also add a new complete declaration line if it turns out that the wage declaration or pension declaration was suppressed wrongfully. On the new complete declaration line, all data from the suppressed declaration is included.

If the check/preparation of a new correction declaration does not find any differences with the preceding declaration(s), the new correction declaration line is automatically deleted.

To add a correction declaration:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Salary processing cockpit.
  2. Click on the action: Declaration.
  3. Click on: New.
  4. Select the Create new full or correction declaration line check box.
  5. Click on: Next.
  6. Select the period line.
  7. Click on: Finish.

If the tax authority requires you to submit the declaration as a complete declaration, you can change that in the properties of the declaration line. You only make this change if the tax authority requires it.

To send a correction declaration as a complete declaration:

  1. Select the declaration line.
  2. Click on the action: Properties of declaration line.
  3. Select the Send correction as full declaration check box.
  4. Select the Suppress sending of wage declaration check box if you only want to send a pension declaration.
  5. Select the Suppress sending of pension declaration check box if you only want to send a wage declaration.
  6. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Wage declaration
  2. Configure the exchange with the tax authority
  3. Configure the payment of the ‘Loonheffing’
  4. Check, view, prepare and send a wage declaration
  5. View corrections to a wage declaration
  6. Resubmit a declaration
  7. Correct the 'BSN' and/or the income relationship number in a declaration
  8. Create a new complete or correction declaration
  9. Another 'Loonheffingen' number
  10. Deviating declaration time frame
  11. Automatic 'Loonheffing' payment
  12. Suppress a wage declaration
  13. Send a wage declaration using FOS
  14. Save a copy of a wage declaration as a file
  15. Annual wage statement