Record the debit mandate date per debtor

You record the data for a recurrent debit mandate for a debtor. You view and record this data from debit mandates in a separate view: Debtor debit mandates.This view displays all debtors to be mandated. The SEPA collection order does not include invoices from these debtors as long as the debtor has not provided a mandate. Profit can infer whether the mandate has been provided from the fact that the Debit mandate date field has been completed.

To record the debit mandate date per debtor:

  1. Go to: Financial / Debtor / Collection mandate.
  2. Open the view: Te machtigen debiteuren.

    This view shows the debtors for which you still need to record debit mandate data.

  3. Select the debtor.
  4. Click on the action: Collection mandate.
  5. Go to the tab: Collection mandate.

    Invoice number is empty because the debit mandate is for the debtor and not for a specific invoice.

  6. Enter the date in the Debit mandate date field, so it is the same as on the debtor's mandate form.

    Profit (and you) can infer that the mandate has been received from the fact that the Debit mandate date has been entered.

  7. Go to the tab: Mandate status.
  8. Check if Collector ID administration and Administration have been completed.
  9. Check if the status of the debit mandate has changed to Active (signed).
  10. Click on: OK.

    You see that the debtor has disappeared from this view. The invoice will therefore be included in the collection order (provided all other requirements for collection are met).

Directly to

  1. Automatic collection via SEPA
  2. Configure automatic collection with SEPA
  3. Configure a debtor for automatic collection with SEPA
  4. Record multiple debit mandates per debtor
  5. Configure collection specification sending by e-mail
  6. SEPA collection concepts and scenarios
  7. Record the debit mandate date per debtor
  8. Change or view the collection settings for an invoice
  9. Record the debit mandate date per invoice
  10. View debit mandates
  11. Print a mandate form
  12. Collection pre-announcement notification to debtor
  13. Delete a debit mandate
  14. Change the SEPA collection method of an existing debtor from Standard to B2B
  15. Change the bank account number of an existing debtor with an existing mandate
  16. Grant a collection reduction
  17. Add a SEPA collection order
  18. View and change a collection order
  19. Generate and journalise a collection file
  20. Directly process a collection order
  21. E-mail or print a collection specification
  22. Complete a collection order
  23. Reverse a collection order
  24. Perform an automatic collection with payment instalments
  25. Perform an automatic collection using a collection set
  26. Automatic collection via the bank link (AFAS Online)