Numbering in the sales process

You set the auto numbering for sales contacts and counters for order numbers.

In Profit Order management, you can adjust the numbering to meet your requirements. Counters and auto numbering appear to be very similar. The difference is that with auto numbering you set the numbering for a single continuous range, such as a range of organisation numbers. Some counters are date-dependent: for example, you can set up a counter for sales invoices with a validity of one year. You then link the counter to the sales journals in Profit Financieel.


Within the environment, invoice numbers must be unique. In Logistics (thus also project invoices, Instalment invoices, etc.), Profit does not issue an invoice number that already exists. In the check to see whether an invoice number already exists, Profit looks at the financial invoices as well as the logistics invoices, the project invoices and the instalment invoices. This check takes place across all administrations.

With auto numbering, you ensure that organisations, sales contacts, purchase contacts, etc. all get their own number ranges. By doing so you can immediately see what type you are dealing with. A disadvantage is that if an organisation has a specific number in Profit CRM, the same organisation will have a different sales contact number in Profit Order management. This means that in many search fields where you sometimes would like to use the number of the contact directly, you need now to enter another number (depending on the type). So you have to remember two or three numbers when in fact a single number can be sufficient. If you always search on the name or another feature of organisations and types thereof (e.g. bank account number) then this disadvantage does not apply.

You can also set up auto numbering for quotations, order numbers and packing slips. You see that the numbers indicate which part of the sales or purchase process you are dealing with. A disadvantage with this is that a quotation number can be totally different from an order number and that, in this case, the link between the two statuses is lost. You are not obliged to number the orders automatically. In the entry layout, you can specify that the order number should be entered manually.

Directly to

  1. Configure sales
  2. Activate the Sales functionality
  3. Configure the order process
  4. Configure a basic sales order
  5. Set up numbering and counters
  6. Set up barcodes
  7. Configure SSCC labels
  8. Configure a sales contact
  9. Set up a sales contact profile
  10. Entry layout settings
  11. Configure a backorder
  12. Configure a pending order
  13. Set up an article for allocation/order planning
  14. Configure prices/discounts
  15. Authorise a quotation
  16. Authorise a counter/direct invoice
  17. Configure sales invoices
  18. Reports